Thunder – Front Cover

Tomat CarnvalI’m back from Finland and am pleased to report that the small amount of swimming undertaken this year was done by choice, and not by accident.  The main event of the week – Tomato Carnival – was… interesting. I’ve included a picture, so you can see that I’m not making it up!  To be honest, it seemed like it was a good excuse for a big party, with all of the town invited, much drinking, much dancing and some very long hangovers…  So, all in all, it seemed to me like a very good thing to do at least once per year!  Thanks to everyone I met while I was there.  You always make me feel so very welcome.

Unfortunately, it’s also raining over there – 2012 is providing an equally miserable summer across the Nordic countries – but at least that meant I was able to have a serious crack at the 3D artwork for Thunder’s cover.

I think I might be starting to slowly get the hang of three dimensional rendering.  The new book’s icon is built up of a half-dozen separate components, each individually drawn, and then rendered into 3D and assembled into one composite.  The overall design follows Firebird’s template for continuity.  The icon is designed to draw upon various elements from the storyline.

So, after countless iterations of size, shade, finish, angle and lighting, I think this is the version I’m happiest with.

I’d love to hear what you think about it!

Thunder Cover v4

About anthonybellaleigh

Writing to amuse myself and entertain others. (

Posted on July 16, 2012, in Books, Previews, Thunder, Writing and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. Sure intriguing, Anthony. Got my attention. Love the blue–it’s a very nice shade. The arrows and knife stuck in the circle must mean something and I’m intrigued of what. I guess I’d have to read the book to find out, right?
    Keep up the good work!


  2. I like this cover. I’d stop to look at, but I think I liked Firebird’s cover better. Maybe because it had three colors instead of just two? The arrows and sword hint at a story, and the shade of blue is eye catching, but Firebird’s three colors made me pay more attention to it. Just an opinion, though. Covers are serious business.


  3. Hi Anthony, just had a look at Thunder’s front cover, nice and professional, like it. The font is great, stainless steel and shiny, love it, giving a cryptic insight into the main character’s personality and motivation. The circle with the samurai sword, arrows, lightning, plus sign, and arrow, giving the impression click here to open, open what though? That is the question.
    However, praise out of the way, ‘Hell hath no fury’, I don’t think it works, it’s a cliche, reminds me of ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ and isn’t the protagonist a male, Nick Tonner? Sorry to be brutal, but that ‘Hell…’ just doesn’t do it for me. If it was in a bookstore on the shelves, I’d admire the cover, but wouldn’t buy the book for two reasons;
    1. If there’s a cliche on the front cover, how many cliches are there inside?
    2. First impression, without reading the back, is that the central character is female, seeking revenge. Nothing wrong with that of course, women can be just as revengeful as men.
    I know, just by looking at the cover, that you’ve put the hours in, a lot of thought and deliberation has gone into it, but that ‘Hell…’ just doesn’t work for me. That, I think, is the only thing wrong with it, everything else is great.


    • Thanks, Albie. Perfect… (except for the bit where you don’t buy the book!). Hopefully the enigma would make you flick inside the front, where you’d find the fuller quotation by William Congreve (1697 btw) and, maybe, just perhaps, you’d start reading…?


      • Hi Anthony, I knew my comments would have a detrimental effect, (sob). But I was giving my opinions on if I saw the book in a bookshop, and not knowing the writer. On the quotation, ‘Heav’n has no rage, like love to hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn’d.’ It’s still about common perceptions and misquotes, I would venture that most people only know the cliche ‘Hell have no fury like a woman scorned’. And, I believe, this would have an effect on their decision to purchase. As I said, everything about the cover is great.


      • :) No worries, Albie, and, for the record, I’m not disheartened by any of your comments – I just really appreciate you sharing them! I umm’ed and ahh’ed for a long time about whether to put a strap-line on Firebird’s cover – in the end, deciding to go with it. Thus, there is (at the moment) one on Thunder’s cover too. In the mean-time, I’m having a good-olde-think about your observations. Thanks again!


  4. Hi Anthony, I know from personal experience how the most simple of comments can send us into a depression, and that was never my intention, but I’m glad my comments didn’t have that effect on you. It’s your baby and you must go for what you feel is right. Best of luck, when is it going on sale by the way?


  5. My gosh that’s a lot of tomatoes!!!! I have some recipes for them ;D
    And as far as the cover of your book, I like it. If you research colors, which I know you have, blues, greens, grays, make people want to stay, linger, and spend time. Reds, oranges etc are fast ‘buy now’ colors. I like your cover :) And the arrow and the sword intrigue me….which coming form a predominately non-fiction reader is a feat…though heavily a Lord of the Rings geek….which is prob why the sword & arrows intrigue me ;)


    • Thanks for the feedback! I’m really pleased that you find the cover intriguing. :) Having looked at some of your recipes – which look mouth-wateringly good btw – I think you would have enjoyed the Carnival. They also grow cucumbers in their enormous glasshouses, and all kinds of different root veg. The market stalls which ran along the entire main street of the town were piled high with freshly grown produce – alongside and amongst the mandatory tomatoes – and, even though I had no need, it was quite hard to stop myself from buying sackfuls of the stuff!


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