Three Years Later…

Firebird Front Cover (v5)And still learning.

When I published Firebird, in May 2011, I wasn’t sure what would happen. At the time I was simply bored of playing the traditional submissions-lottery with a book that was never intended to conform.

You see, there are no youthful wizards in Firebird.  Nor any tribal wars fought by teenagers.  There are no vampires, zombies or tortured Scandinavian policemen.  I deliberately set out to avoid convention and can imagine the reaction of the publishing houses when Firebird hit their desks: “Nope,” they would have been muttering, grimly shaking their heads, “this book’s not the same enough for us…”

Three amazing years later, I’m pleased I took the plunge.  I’m pleased that I released this tale of one extraordinary creature, and a handful of very ordinary humans, from its years of enforced incarceration on my hard disk drive.  Why?  Because there are clearly a great many readers who, like me, are on the lookout for something different.  Who enjoy change.  Who don’t mind if the next page is not as entirely predictable as the last.

So here I am: three years on, with two novels in circulation, both of which continue to be picked up by adventurous bookworms.  I always have and shall remain eternally grateful to everyone who dips into my writing.

Would Firebird look different if I wrote it again today?  The answer to that question is a resounding, yes.  There isn’t a single day that goes by when I don’t discover a new nuance of language, a new word, or a new technique I might be able to apply.  Would Firebird be any better if I rewrote it?  I doubt it.   There comes a time when too much tinkering destroys raw accessibility.  As far as I’m concerned, Firebird’s a done deal now.

Besides: I’ve got too many new stories to tell and, who knows, with the amount of spare time I have for writing, I might even finish one of them by the time Firebird is six…

About anthonybellaleigh

Writing to amuse myself and entertain others. (

Posted on May 19, 2014, in Books, Firebird, Writing and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Congrats on hitting three years since first publishing. I often wonder where I’ll be at a few years down the road since it still feels pretty new to me. I just took the plunge last year, though. Sometimes I’m still amazed I found the courage to hit that “publish” button because it is a huge step.

    As for your next book, what are you waiting for? Get to writing!


    • Thanks Susan. I was really pleased to see that you seem to be having some super success from what I checked out a few weeks ago – congrats on that. Well done you!

      As for the writing, I’m still chipping away… It’s how I vent my madness… :)


  2. Glad to hear the optimism in your blog. Keep on chipping away! :)


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